8 best plants for your dorm

Looking to Give Your Dorm Some Life?

Are you are looking for to add some plants to your dorm? Since I know just how busy your schedule is as a student, these eight low maintenance plants are for you! I'll explain how each of the following plants can be the perfect way to add that pop of life into your living space this year.

Not only do plants transform a room simply due to their splash of colour. but they have also been proven to reduce stress and improve the air quality!

1. Snake Plants

Let's starts off with everyone's favourite low maintenance plant. The Snake plant! Sansevierias, commonly known as snake plants, are known as the easiest plants to care for due to their ability to adapt to different conditions. Snake plants will do well both in areas with bright light, and areas with low light. This gives you the flexibility to place your snake plant right at a window, or in that far corner with no direct light. Snake plants are also low maintenance in terms of watering. These plants want the soil to be almost fully dry before you water. If you happen to forget to water this plant, it will be ok.

2. ZZ Plants

Much like snake plants, ZZ plants are also very hardy plants that do great at adapting to different conditions. I like to refer to them as the snake plant's cousin! ZZ plants will do well both in bright spaces and low light spaces. Just like snake plants, they can also go awhile in between watering. This is because of the rhizomes that this plant has underneath the soil, which are used by the plant to store water.

3. Pothos


If you are looking for an easy vining plant then this is the plant for you! Pothos are known for their easy care and ability to tolerate draught. Pothos will let you know when they need water, as they will visibly get floppy. Pothos are also plants that will tolerate different lighting situations. Place your pothos in a space with anywhere from bright indirect light to low light. Pothos are a fun option because they come in many different colours!

4. Philodendrons

Philodendrons like pothos, come in many different types and varieties. Philodendrons are known for their heart shaped leaves. Philodendrons are easy plants that do well in bright indirect light and medium light. These plants are trailing plants, meaning in the wild they trail up trees! You can either choose to let them hang or you could provide some support, with a moss pole and watch it grow up the pole. 

5. Cacti

Cacti are a great option for an area with a lot of light. The only way that a cactus will be an easy plant is if you leave it alone. Cacti are very sensitive to over watering; as a result, they can rot very easily if overwatered. The key to keeping a cactus alive is to always check the soil before watering and making sure that it is fully dry. I always suggest to think of the desert (their natural environment) you want to give them a good amount of sunlight and not a lot of water. 

6. Monsteras

Monsteras are currently one of the most popular houseplants due to their unique leaves. Monstera leaves are fun to watch unfurl as they will all have different rip patterns and shapes to them! Like philodendrons, monsteras are trailing plants. This means that they will eventually need some support added to help them grow up, otherwise, they will just hang over. Monsteras are easy plants that will do well in bright indirect light and medium light spaces. These plants will also give you visual signs of when they need some water. Keep an eye out for some curling and drooping of the leaves and you will know its time.

7. Hoyas

Hoyas are cute trailing like succulent plants that are known for their stunning blooms. Their care is very similar to a succulent's care. They will appreciate a good amount of sunlight, and want their soil to be almost fully dry before being watered. This is because like succulents, they have adapted to seasonal drought.  

8.Spider Plants

Spider plants are known as one of the easiest plants to grow indoors, making them one of the most commonly grown plants in homes around the world. Place your spider plant in bright indirect light to medium light. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight for longer than a couple hours as this will cause the leaves to burn. Like most of the other plants on this list, spider plants will also tell you when they are in need of water. You will notice that their colour will start to fade, this is your sign to water. 


Now that you have taken a look through our eight favourite dorm plants, which one will you be making your study buddy this year?

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