Whimsy Wreaths

Discover the timeless elegance of preserved wreaths at our exclusive workshop. Picture a day surrounded by the enchanting scents and textures of preserved foliage, as you and your friends embark on a creative journey like no other.

Our instructor will provide hands-on demonstrations, sharing design secrets and techniques to help you create a wreath that's both visually stunning and artistically meaningful.

  • Small

    Included in the workshop:

    • 10" Wreath frame

    • 1 Bundle of preserved eucalyptus

    • 3 Accent Florals

    *All other tools and materials needed to complete this green terrarium will be provided.

    Packages start at $850 for a group of up to 6 participants.

  • Medium

    Included in the workshop:

    • 12" Wreath frame

    • 1.5 Bundle of preserved eucalyptus

    • 3 Accent Florals

    *All other tools and materials needed to complete this green terrarium will be provided.

    Packages start at $980 for a group of up to 6 participants.

  • Large

    Included in the workshop:

    • 14" Wreath frame

    • 2 Bundles of preserved eucalyptus

    • 4 Accent Florals

    *All other tools and materials needed to complete this green terrarium will be provided.

    Packages start at $1,000 for a group of up to 6 participants.